Understanding Islam from a Christian Perspective

Mar 3, 2021 by

by Rosemary Sookhdeo, Barnabas Fund:

[…]  Jesus is called Isa in Islam. There are two main sources for the Muslim Jesus: the Quran gives a history of his life, while the haditha establishes his place in the Muslim understanding of the end times. Christians who engage in dialogue with Muslims sometimes argue that the Isa found in the Quran is essentially the same as the Jesus of the New Testament. However, all the evidence from the Quran, the hadith and the New Testament leads both Muslims and Christians to precisely the opposite conclusion. In fact, the Isa of Islam and the Jesus of Christianity are radically different and irreconcilable in their person and work. If Isa and Jesus shared the fundamental commonalities then either Islam or Christianity would have to rewrite and reinterpret all the theology and teachings of their faith.

Isa (the Muslim Jesus) is a great prophet in Islam, but he is a different person from the Jesus whom we know as the Son of God. In the Quran, “Christ the son of Mary was no more than a Messenger; many were the messengers that passed away before him” (sura 5:75). There are 28 prophets in the Quran and Isa is one of them. Six of these prophets receive special titles: Adam the Chosen of God, Noah the Prophet of God, Abraham the Friend of God, Moses the Converser with God, Isa the Spirit of God and Muhammad the Apostle of God. Muhammad is called the last and Seal of the prophets. Isa is considered to be the greatest of the prophets before Muhammad, yet he is human like the prophets of old and is superseded by Muhammad, the “Seal”.67

In the Gospels Jesus is called a prophet by those who first hear His teaching (Mark 6:15, 8:28) and accepts this title when He says that a prophet is not without honour except in his own country (Mark 6:4, cf. Luke 13:33). However, the New Testament, apart from the above references, makes no explicit mention of Jesus using the title of prophet.

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