University: the battleground for young minds

Aug 20, 2020 by

by Campbell Campbell-Jack, Christian Today:

The concept of the university as a place of genuine learning with the free flow of ideas and the cut and thrust of rigorous debate creating a place where the brightest of minds might grow and blossom intellectually is, to a significant extent, no more. And this should concern Christians.

When only a single viewpoint is accorded legitimacy we turn our back on education and enter the sphere of indoctrination, which is the norm in many Western universities today. Secular values and worldviews dominate teaching, resulting in an emphasis which is destructive of Christian values.

We joke about degrees in underwater basket weaving at the University of Easy Access, but the reality is serious. Ball State University, Indiana, recently hosted a presentation to ‘engage with the question of how English language practices in college classrooms contribute to white supremacy’. The English department at Rutgers University, New Jersey, has decided to de-emphasise English grammar in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. In these cases, as elsewhere, progressive concerns shape the curricula.

University has become a difficult environment for any who do not go along with the progressive agenda. Christianity is frequently marginalised and even attacked as the originator of the forbidden attitudes of our day, racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, Islamophobia, etc. In our tolerant progressive universities with their commitment to diversity the only ‘phobia’ permitted is that which targets Christians and social conservatives.

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