Using Sexism & Racism to ‘Improve Diversity’

Dec 20, 2023 by

By Frank Haviland, European Conservative.

While it may once have been scandalous for employers to exclude white men from their recruitment process, fast forward to 2023 and most hiring panels appear to have decided it’s riskier to include them. Infuriated by the failure of equality to produce equal outcomes, our liberal culture demands a bogeyman, and in the straight, white male, it found the pantomime villain of its dreams. Whatever your grievance, the patriarchy will shoulder the blame because any alternative culprit is simply too ‘offensive’ to countenance—no matter how well the facts support their claim.

Consider ‘misogyny’ for instance. I use inverted commas, because I’m not referring to genuinely abhorrent acts directed towards women (wife-beating, FGM, rape). I mean the range of behaviour that charlatan politicians feel comfortable speaking out about: juvenile banter. Irrespective of their political hue, awareness campaigns in Britain are now guaranteed to feature a white, working-class thug harassing women; a neanderthal, thankfully chastised and kept in check by a range of more enlightened non-white males. It ought to raise suspicion that everyone from Sadiq Khan to the Home Office is singing from the same hymn sheet on this. In fact, if Netflix ever releases a documentary on the grooming gang scandal across the northern towns of England, the likelihood of the perpetrators being played by white actors is a pretty safe bet.

The premise used to inculcate and justify the war on white men is the lie of white privilege, currently being pushed in schools under the umbrella of Critical Race Theory (CRT). This lie asserts that white men are both uniquely privileged, and uniquely evil. Neither, of course, are true. In terms of privilege, Chinese and Indian workers out-earn their white British counterparts by almost £10,000 a year, while in terms of academic performance, working-class white males are the poorest performing demographic (it must be all that misogyny slowing them down). Meanwhile, even the most cursory analysis of crime in Britain demonstrates that, if anything, white men are underrepresented in criminal activity, unless one insists on pretending not to understand ‘per capita.’

However, we live in times where facts increasingly do not matter, and the lie is succeeding. CRT teaching is endemic in British schools, with between 59% and 73% of pupils encountering the terminology (depending on which nonsense terms you consider). In America from whence CRT was imported, a staggering 79% of 18-24 year olds support the ideology that “White people are oppressors and nonwhite people and people of certain groups have been oppressed and as a result should be favoured today at universities and for employment.”

The result of such ‘antiracism’ is nothing but racism repackaged: white men are now routinely subject to baseless critique, racial profiling, and exclusion, conducted unchallenged as though it were a virtue. This cancer infects all strata of society.

Read here.

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