VICTORY: Forced abortion case OVERTURNED

Jun 24, 2019 by

from SPUC:

Some amazing news – we’ve just heard that appeal judges have overturned the decision for doctors to perform a forced abortion on a 22 week pregnant woman with learning difficulties.

John Deighan, SPUC Deputy CEO said: “This is amazing news. The initial decision to form an abortion on a disabled woman against her will, when her mother had promised to look after the child, caused shock and outrage around the world. A forced abortion is one of the worst things that can be done to a woman, and it is beggars belief that a judge of this land advocated this kind of cruelty and barbarity. We rejoice that common sense and basic decency has prevailed, and the mother and baby have escaped this appalling fate.The attention must now turn to giving this family all the support they need in an undoubtedly difficult situation. Serious questions must now be asked about how this decision happened, and the country will need assurances that this will never happen again.”

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