Wake up Britain!

May 20, 2019 by

from Voice for Justice UK:

If evidence were needed of the ideological battle raging in this nation, this is surely it! 

No sooner have the Relationships and Sex Education Regulations received Parliamentary approval, than LGBT activists have started calling for their immediate review and upgrade.  In a recent letter to Education Secretary Damian Hinds, drawn up by the Peter Tatchell Foundation and supported, amongst others, by actor Stephen Fry and Elly Barnes, CEO and Founder of Educate and Celebrate, LGBT campaigners are calling for statutory enforcement of even more explicit teaching about sex, and for further normalisation and promotion of homosexual behaviours and same sex relations.  They argue that hetero, homo, and bisexual relations must be presented as equally valid, with no faith school opt out, and with removal of the parental right of withdrawal ( https://www.theguardian.com/education/2019/may/08/stephen-fry-backs-calls-review-new-rse-sex-education-programme-schools?CMP=twt_a-education_b-gdnedu).

Director of the Foundation, Peter Tatchell, writes that ‘political, religious and cultural sensitivities should not be allowed to thwart mandatory age-appropriate RSE in every school, including in faith and independent schools…’.

As well as making all such teaching mandatory, without exemption, the letter calls for the promotion of safer alternatives to intercourse (such as encouragement to oral sex and mutual masturbation), and says pupils should be taught about sexual pleasure and how to achieve it for both themselves and a partner, ‘with the aim of helping them secure mutual sexual happiness’ (https://www.petertatchellfoundation.org/stephen-fry-backs-our-call-to-revise-sex-education/).

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