What does the media class have against monogamy?

Oct 9, 2024 by

by Tony Rucinski, Coalition for Marriage:

Why does the media love to push anything other than marriage? Feeding a presumed public appetite for the novel and transgressive, we are drip-fed stories about ‘polyamory’ and ‘open relationships’ so much that you start to wonder if we’re being prodded into trying it.

Perhaps journalists are just writing articles they think people want to read.

But why then do they so often make it sound like a promo for a new and subversive dating app?

The Times was at it again last week, with an article bringing its readers up to speed on ‘polycules’ – the latest name for certain forms of non-monogamous relationship. (It’s a combination of polyamory and molecule, because the various people in the ‘relationship’ have bonds like atoms in a molecule, apparently.)

For the people in the ‘polycule’, we’re told, “it is about getting optimum joy out of life”. “Poly people get to experience that delicious feeling you get when you fall in love with someone new, over and over again”, claims the Times, breathlessly.

The Daily Mail, not wanting to miss out, ran its own version of the article.

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