What is Ascension Day and what hymns are traditionally sung?

May 26, 2022 by

by Anna Paul, Metro:

Today (Thursday, May 26) is Ascension Day, an important date in the Christian calendar which commemorates Jesus Christ’s ascent into heaven.

The day is traditionally celebrated on the 40th day after Easter Sunday. It is also known as the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, Ascension Thursday or Holy Thursday.

So, what’s the meaning behind the day?

What is Ascension Day?

The celebration takes its name from the ascent of Christ, who, according to Christian belief, ascended into heaven on this day.

40 days after the resurrection, Jesus and his disciples went to Mount Olivet (Mount of Olives), near Jerusalem.

The Bible says Jesus promised the disciples that they would soon receive the Holy Spirit, and asked them to remain in Jerusalem until the Spirit had come.

While he was blessing them he left them, and was taken up to heaven.

The holy day is celebrated across all branches of Christianity on the sixth Thursday after Easter, which falls exactly 40 days after Easter Sunday.

Read here

Read also: What is Ascension Day? Meaning behind the date explained, when it is in 2022 and where it’s a public holiday, iNews



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