What women have lost

Aug 2, 2024 by

by Jean Hatchet, Artillery Row:

How can women focus on traditional feminist issues when spiteful men are demanding to be included?

In the never-ending, and frankly boring, debate around “trans” issues, women are, in perpetuity, driven to raise objection — vocally, physically and legally — to what is being stolen from them. These losses include our jobs, women-only services, prison cells, sports team positions and podium places, amongst many other concrete and well-documented losses.

This morning many women with a keen eye on the debate were angry and upset when faced with the image of a man, dressed as a “pregnant” woman, pretending to have a still born baby and the subsequent “miscarriage”. The accompanying words — “This is the reality of trans pregnancies, some of our babies turn to angels” — were jaw-droppingly provocative.

There was no baby, because men cannot have babies. This man clearly set out to insult women; he found it thrilling. He was rubbing his overweight — not pregnant — belly and clearly deriving pleasure from performing this act. The video has now been deleted from his TikTok after uproar, but the desire and the fetish undoubtedly remain. One of the worst things that can happen to a woman is to lose a baby during a desired pregnancy, yet that distress has become one of the latest fetishes of “trans women” parodying the female experience. It follows men “breast feeding” and mimicking menstruation and period pains for kicks. Anything that is true only of women; any experience women suffer; any difficulty around our health or bodies, is now open to be performed by men for their pleasure. Nothing remains the preserve of women, whether it is something we desire, or the exact opposite.

New horrors, new ways of degrading and humiliating women, are seen by those of us with a keen eye for such trespasses, but hardly ever brought to the notice of the wider public, many of whom seem aware only of the “lighter” side of “harmless” men in dresses, just wanting to be “their authentic self”. It is, ludicrously, seen as evidence of transphobia to point out that miscarriages are not the “authentic” experience of any man — but point it out we must, because it is a disgusting lie.

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