When Churches Go Bad: Fight or Flight?

Aug 18, 2022 by

by Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch:

On the Anglican Church split:

It is a perennial question: What happens when a Christian church or denomination or school or institution starts to go bad? And by this I mean when they start to clearly depart from biblical teachings and reject core Christian beliefs and values. It could mean they are denying basic biblical doctrines or fundamental matters of Christian ethics.

Obviously there are many such issues that are plaguing Christian bodies today, but a key one over the past few decades has been how Christians deal with the homosexual and trans agendas. Do they remain faithful to what Scripture teaches on these issues, or do they turn their backs on 2000 years of Christian teaching and run with the world on these matters?

In my 2011 book Strained Relations I quoted ex-homosexual Joe Dallas who said this over three decades ago: “The debate over homosexuality and the Bible – specifically, whether or not the Bible condemns homosexual acts in all cases – will do no less than rip the body of Christ apart within the next decade. It will force believers to declare, in black and white terms, where they stand on issues of sexuality and biblical interpretation.”

That has certainly been the case, and plenty of divisions have already occurred. Sometimes faithful Christians feel led to stay and fight, and resist those who are seeking to destroy historic biblical Christianity. But sometimes it is wiser to leave an all-too corrupt body, and form a new one with other orthodox believers.

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