When coronavirus comes to persecuted Christians—and how you can pray

Mar 28, 2020 by

from Open Doors:

Across the world, nations are fighting the coronavirus outbreak as increasing numbers of countries go on lockdown, closing restaurants, stores, schools and workplaces. But in some countries—where Christians are devalued, discriminated against and even attacked for their faith—the outbreak has hidden consequences.

In these places where leaving your family’s religion to follow Jesus is considered betrayal, such as India or North Africa, or is against the law (Iran, Brunei, North Korea), Christians may be denied medical care or have less access to medicines and treatment. This kind of discrimination becomes even more destructive in light of an outbreak of an extremely contagious and potentially fatal respiratory illness.

And the lockdowns that have millions of Americans going stir-crazy right now are actually life-threatening for believers in places like India, where Christians are often persecuted in their homes. A lockdown is suffocating for believers who are no longer able to gather with other believers. Repeatedly, when we talk to persecuted Christians, they tell Open Doors that the Sunday gathering at their church sustains them throughout the week. Many walk miles each weekend just to attend a church gathering.

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