When Eton goes woke, what is left?

Nov 28, 2020 by

WHEN revolutions exploded across Europe in early 1848, Metternich, the conservative foreign minister of Austria, is reputed to have said: ‘We had planned for everything except for a liberal pope.’ He resigned and by late April was in exile at 42 Brunswick Terrace, Brighton.

Those brave souls currently holding the line against our woke revolution might echo Metternich by observing: ‘We have planned for everything except for a woke headmaster of Eton College.’

Daily Telegraph ‘exclusive’ has reported: ‘Eton College has dismissed one of its masters amid a free speech row prompted by a lecture which questioned “current radical feminist orthodoxy”.’

An un-transmitted video lecture by English teacher Will Knowland has, it seems, triggered his sacking after nine years at the school.

Entitled ‘The Patriarchy Paradox’, the lecture was intended to encourage critical debate about issues in the news. It was to be part of a course on ‘Perspectives’ for older pupils. The teacher uploaded the lecture to the school’s intranet as part of the school’s online learning programme, but permission has not been granted for it to be shown.

The issue addressed was ‘radical feminist orthodoxy’. Schools have a legal obligation to promote so-called ‘British Values’ including a balanced curriculum.  According to the teacher he was endeavouring to meet this obligation by balancing the notion that masculinity is ‘fundamentally toxic’.

The headmaster was, evidently, not amused. He felt ‘that some of the ideas put forward in my lecture – such as the view that men and women differ psychologically and not all of those differences are socially constructed – were too dangerous for the boys to be exposed to’. Knowland was perceived as a counter-revolutionary before being awarded the Order of the Boot.

Read here

Read also: Eton Sacks Teacher Who Dared Question ‘Toxic Masculinity’ by James Delingpole, Breitbart

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