When the word of God counts as hate speech

Oct 20, 2019 by

by Peter Simpson, The Conservative Woman:

EARLIER this month another pastor and I were preaching the gospel in Uxbridge, the Prime Minister’s constituency. We were near the Underground station, so there were plenty of passers-by. Because of the Extinction Rebellion (XR) protests in the centre of the capital we displayed a poster which read as follows:

Climate change anxiety is what happens when people no longer fear the God who controls the climate. Such anxiety is unnecessary, because the Lord has promised, ‘While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter . . . shall not cease’ (Genesis 8:22).

The response to the poster shows how accurate was Dr Campbell-Jack’s TCW posting last Sunday, when he linked the activities of the XR protesters to the abandonment in the West of the Christian faith. It became clear to us that the whole climate-angst phenomenon is indicative of a grave spiritual malaise in our society.

One man walking by claimed that we were contributing to the likelihood of young people committing suicide! We thought this strange logic, since the other poster which we had set up carried the words ‘Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest’ (Matthew 11:28).

Another young man became irate about the climate change poster, and astonishingly declared that it constituted hate speech. Being incensed that Christian preachers should dare to speak of the providence of God in determining the state of the climate, he proceeded to untie it from its stand, walked off with it, and then aggressively ripped it out of its aluminium frame. He continued walking briskly away, full of righteous indignation, in order to dispose of what he deemed to be an offensive object. He thought that his cause gave him the moral right to tamper with the private property of others.

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