Where Angels Fear to Tread: The Fraud of Transgenderism

Aug 26, 2021 by


People who seek to change their sex through hormone treatment and surgery may suffer grave medical and psychological consequences, numerous medical experts have warned.

Hard on the heels of the recent global campaign to legalize same-sex “marriage” has come another more radical product of the sexual revolution: the promotion across all levels of society of the radical ideology of transgenderism.

It is the sheer speed with which such changes have hit society that is so astonishing. According to Dr. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, “Previous generations experienced moral revolutions over decades, even centuries. This current revolution is happening at warp speed.”

Referring to the current campaign to promote transgenderism, Drs. Michelle Cretella and Felipe E. Vizcarrondo, two American pediatricians, recently commented that:

In the last five years, gender ideology has overtaken every major public institution in our society from mass and social media, to public and private education from pre-school forward, to professional medicine and psychiatry, and increasingly, law. It has essentially become America’s government-sponsored religion.

In this essay, we examine two principal outcomes of the current promotion of transgenderism. One of them is the tragic reality that people who seek to change their sex through hormone treatment and surgery may suffer grave medical and psychological consequences. The other is gender ideology’s sinister assault on the independence of the medical profession from political interference.

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