Why John Stott Lived with Less

Jul 30, 2022 by

by Andy Jones, The Gospel Coalition:

[…] Eleven years ago—on July 27, 2011—Stott entered his eternal reward and met his Saviour face-to-face. Many Christians know Stott’s writings and public ministry, but Stott kept the decisions he made about personal finances and his standard of living private during his life. As I’ve learned more about that side of Stott’s faith in recent years, I’ve discovered how his life models a kingdom mindset amid a consumer-driven culture.

We live in an age of excess. Our lack of self-denial and moderation extends to shopping, eating, and how much entertainment we consume. Stott’s life stands in stark contrast to our cultural tendencies.

Each parishioner I’ve met who worshiped with Stott at All Souls Church—from his study assistant to those who accompanied him on international trips—talks about his generosity and simple lifestyle, the way he gravitated toward sacrifice rather than indulgence.

Stott dedicated an entire chapter to simplicity in his book The Radical Disciple. There he said,

Materialism—a preoccupation with material things—can smother our spiritual life. Jesus told us not to store up treasure on earth and warned us against covetousness. So did the apostle Paul, urging us instead to develop a lifestyle of simplicity, generosity, and contentment, drawing on his own experience of having learned to be content whatever the circumstances (Philippians 4:11).

Here are three truths I’ve learned about simplicity from studying Stott’s life and writings…

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