Why the Draft Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education Act 2019 should be rejected.

Mar 20, 2019 by

by Gavin Ashenden:


“A future generation that are going to have grown immune to the problems associated with the sexualisation of children and young people, and therefore normalised it. In my opinion this will result in the greater prevalence of the issues that are linked to this; teen pregnancy, psychological problems, STI’s and low self worth.”

Niketa, 18 (NSPCC Study – see below).

“Girls have a sophisticated ability to criticize and deconstruct ‘sexualised’ images, but – importantly – this sits alongside very painful accounts of how bad such images make them feel, and the kinds of pressures they feel subject to.”


This recent NSPCC research paper notes the increasing pornification of culture and the necessity of finding ageappropriate sex education.


The position of this paper is that the imposition of homosexual norms and the normalisation of gender dysphoria on children aged between 4 and 9 constitutes both an abrogation of adult responsibility and verges on child abuse and fails the test of ‘age appropriate education.’


Pre-pubescent patterns of friendship are flexible and enriching in part because they are free from erotic or serious romantic associations. The presentation and implicit or explicit promotion of LGBTQI+ relationships, is founded on a homosexualised erotic and romantic understanding of affection and introduces categories of selfworth founded on physical/sexual and romantic attraction in a way that propels children into an existential arena they are unequipped to negotiate.

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