Why the future face of Christianity is African

Sep 23, 2017 by

by Andrew Boyd, Christian Today:

African Christianity is set to become the face of the faith around the world. By 2050, 40 per cent of the world’s Christians will be African, the African Biblical Leadership Initiative (ABLI Forum) was told.

The Forum in Cameroon heard a clear call for Africa to strengthen its moral fabric. ABLI was also given a warning: ‘Do not dilute Christ-centred, biblical Christianity.

‘Africa’s time is now,’ said keynote speaker Dr Delanyo Adadevoh. ‘Africa is the paradise that has yet to be seen.’ That paradise, he said, must be established along biblical lines.

Dr Adadevoh, of the US-based International Leadership Foundation, said there were encouraging trends that Africa was making progress towards realising its true potential.

‘Africa is increasingly stable. We have experimented with different ideologies, but we are becoming more convinced that multi-party democracy is the best form of government for us.’

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