Why Transgender Activism Will Fail: Biological Differences Are Real

Oct 15, 2017 by

by Michael Brown, Christian Post:

Transgender activism will never succeed in reshaping our society for one simple reason: It is not natural. Biological differences are too deeply instilled in the human race. Male-female distinctives are too obvious and real. It is futile to declare war on gender.

It is one thing to be asked to empathize with those who struggle with gender identity confusion. It is another thing to declare that biological categories do not determine reality.

It is one thing to recognize that some people do not fall within the normal, male-female spectrum due to genetic abnormalities. It is another thing to claim that gender is whatever you perceive it to be.

Every time we hear the announcement that someone is having a boy or a girl, we are reminded that transgender activism is failing. Otherwise, shouldn’t the parents-to-be say, “We just saw the ultrasound, and we’re having a human!”? Or, perhaps, “How exciting! We saw the ultrasound, and the packaging is female!”?

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