Young girls are still being groomed – not just by gangs but the state too

Jul 22, 2019 by

by Ann Farmer, TCW:

INTERVIEWING the former detective Maggie Oliver about the Rochdale grooming gang scandal (of mainly Pakistani-origin sex gangs targeting mainly white girls), Julie Bindel reveals that despite many prosecutions and high-profile trials, such gangs ‘are still operating on its streets today’.

Ms Oliver was the whistleblower who exposed the catastrophic failures of Greater Manchester Police to protect the child victims, appalled by the indifference of some officers and by the reluctance to deal robustly with the issue at the highest levels of government, namely the Home Office. This, she told Bindel, was particularly apparent after the 7/7 terrorist attack in London – perversely owing to fears of accusations of prejudice.

Since leaving the police force she has set up a charity, The Maggie Oliver Foundation, to help the victims and has written about this establishment negligence in her new book, Survivors.

The book, Bindel says, attributes the failure of police forces to take the victims seriously to ‘misogyny’, a view she endorses. But what Bindel fails to focus on in this interview is the wider political and social context. This is of a Labour Party much of whose white working-class constituency had moved out of the cities, leaving behind fractured and politically uninterested ‘communities’, broken by the decline of marriage, the rise of serial cohabitation and welfare dependency; and of the more recently arrived and also more cohesive Pakistani immigrant communities who provided Labour with a much more promising and active voter base.

Bindel also omits the role of police in ignoring the age of sexual consent in these ‘relationships’ and the part played by health service officials who consistently ignored the coercive element in requests for birth control and abortion by girls too young in law to consent to sex, falling back on the politically correct ‘Gillick competency’ test (to demonstrate maturity in under-age girls) to say that these girls were exercising their personal autonomy, issues previously documented in The Conservative Woman here, here and here.

Most significantly of all, Bindel’s interview contains no reference to the ‘official’ influence of a culture, especially in the classroom, that has promoted ‘female empowerment’ in matters of sex, which has been proved not to work but to disempower young girls and leave them vulnerable to predators posing as boyfriends.

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