Actually, It’s the Religious Left That’s Dying

Sep 7, 2017 by

by Michael Brown, Christian Post:

No sooner had the Nashville Statement on biblical sexuality been issued then we began to hear a common refrain from the left. “This is another sign that the religious right is dying! This statement represents the last gasp of the old, antiquated guard! It’s time to say good bye and good riddance! Let’s welcome the new thing the Spirit is doing!”

In reality, it is the religious left that is dying, while those who uphold Scripture are seeing blessing and increase around the globe. Before I back up this statement, here’s what some “progressive” Christian leaders are saying.

Writing for the Huffington Post, seminary professor Greg Lancaster scornfully claims, “Their public audience shrinking, their public presence waning, and their credibility shot to hell, the Christian right needs attention.”

His article is titled, “The Nashville Statement and the Decline of the Religious Right,” and he concludes with this salvo: “In the end we’re stuck with a meaningless document. It adds nothing to the conversation that hasn’t been said. If anything, its fake compassion increases the agony of LGBT Christians. All that’s accomplished by this document is a little press for the religious leaders who signed it, a whiff of air time for the disenfranchised. The Statement underscores the obvious: in the age of Trump, the Christian Right has lost its moral authority. These guys — they’re almost all men — may be have a spiffy website, but nobody’s listening.”

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