CI News: 26 July 2024

Jul 26, 2024 by

from The Christian Institute: In the news this week: A Government advisor debunks claims that puberty blocker restrictions have increased suicides, a poll reveals that even Brits who back assisted suicide have safety doubts, and this year...

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Teacher loses High Court appeal after being banned for ‘misgendering’

Jul 26, 2024 by

from Christian Concern: A High Court judge has today ruled that Christian maths teacher, Joshua Sutcliffe, should continue to be banned from the profession indefinitely for refusing to use the preferred pronouns of a girl identifying as a...

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Assisted Death and The Economist

Jul 26, 2024 by

By Richard M Doerflinger, Public Discourse: The American experience with assisted suicide should persuade Great Britain and other countries that the slippery slope to broader killing is disturbingly genuine. Permitting assisted suicide...

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Marriage, Family, and Happiness

Jul 26, 2024 by

by Rick Plasterer, Juicy Ecumenism: Marriage and the family has historically been the bedrock of society, but for many today, encouraged by elite opinion, these things are regarded as an optional extras. Brad Wilcox, Professor of...

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Setting ourselves on fire

Jul 26, 2024 by

by Laurie Wastell, Artillery Row: Multiculturalism has created fractured communities where nobody cares. Britain has experienced another bout of rioting and disorder in one of our many hyper-diverse neighbourhoods. Last Thursday in...

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How can All Flourish in Church Schools?

Jul 26, 2024 by

By Ian Paul, Psephizo: ‘Valuing All God’s Children’ (VAGC) was first published in 2014 in response to research claiming to show homophobic bullying was something which needed particular attention in Church schools. It was revised in 2017...

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