EU Ombudsman Must Vet AND EU Commission Must Stop/Reduce Funding for the ILGA

May 24, 2016 by

Petition from CitizenGo:

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (or, ILGA, for short) is a powerful umbrella group for the LGBT ideology.

ILGA-Europe is a “region” of this civil society association, which, according to its own website[1], and, among other things, does the following:

  • “Monitors and influences the adoption of EU legislation and policies” which promote the LGBT ideology.
  • “Follow[s] up on the implementation of EU legislation at European and national level.”

Just to reiterate, ILGA-Europe says, on its website, that it works to influence EU legislation. In plain English, this means that ILGA-Europe is a lobbying organisation for the LGBT agenda.

Here are a few recent examples of how ILGA-Europe operates:

  • ILGA-Europe is now engaging in a clandestine strategy against the pro-family European Citizens’ Initiative, “Mum, Dad and Kids”, including efforts to influence the EU Commission on the matter.[2]
  • On the same initiative…chillingly, it appears that ILGA-Europe asks their affiliates to collect information on European pro-family campaigners.[2]
  • ILGA-Europe is now propagating a project called, “Gay vs God”, which attempts to break-down religious objection to the LGBT ideology/agenda, by cynically pitting the faithful against the tenets of their religious community, and or their leaders.[3]

So, why is this at all extraordinary?

Because ILGA-Europe has been in receipt of vast amounts of funding which has come directly from the EU Commission, and hence, indirectly, from EU taxpayers.

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