Gay marriage opened the door to the trans madness

Jul 26, 2017 by

by Laura Perrins, The Conservative Woman:

What do you do when you realise you are on a one-way, non-stop train to Lefty Land? Why you try to get off, of course. Sadly, for many, it is about to dawn on them that they are on this train with the doors and windows locked and bolted.

Graeme Archer, who is a gay man NOT LGBTQ+, wants out. In response to Justine Greening and the Conservatives Party’s latest attempt to re-write reality and trash the culture by permitting people to choose their sex (you can no more choose your sex than choose your race) he tells us, “I can prove my same-sex orientation – and its congruence with, not opposition to, my gender – but the statement “I am the wrong gender, regardless of my biological sex”, like the ‘LGBTQ+’ label, is an assertion. There’s no scientific observation which could support or deny such a claim.” Very true Graeme, very true.

Even Matthew Parris, has announced that he wants to leave the LGBT clubs as it is an ‘artificial union.’

Helen Lewis, the feminist and deputy editor of the New Statesman, says in The Times, ‘a man can’t just say he has turned into a woman.’ Oh, but soon he can say this. And what is more you will have to agree with him, and if you do not, thanks to the Equality Act, you could wind up in court.

Lewis points out sensibly: What the government proposes is a radical rewriting of our understanding of identity: now it’s a question of an internal essence — a soul, if you will. Being a woman or a man is now entirely in your head. In this climate, who would challenge someone with a beard exposing their penis in a women’s changing room? That’s why feminists have raised the alarm over the move to self-identification, along with some older trans people who fear that “trendsters” will erode the goodwill they have worked hard to acquire.

This is a radical rewriting, a bit like when the government radically redefined marriage. So this radical rewriting has precedent, you know, when Cameron and the rest of the hipsters such as Archer, Parris and Lewis said the millennia-old institution of marriage is malleable and if the State wants to redefine it thoroughly then it can. It is all too late now to bang and scream and demand to be let off the train. You are on a one-way journey to crazy town and there is no escape.

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