Lenten Meditations: Thursday 15 March

Mar 15, 2018 by


Mar 15

am: 27

pm: 102


Num 21:4-9


Rom 5:12-21


John 8:21-32


FOURTH THURSDAY OF LENTSt. Louise de Marillac, Foundress and Religious Sister, 1660


LITURGICAL THEME FOR THE DAY: Louise de Marillac born illegitimately in

Ferrieres-en-Brie, France grew up devoted to the Lord and  wanted to pursue a

religious vocation. Denied entrance either on account of  her poor health, or due to

political machinations, she married the Secretary to the Queen Mother, and had one

child, Michael, she was widowed on in 1625. She came to know Vincent de Paul in

his work with the poor of Paris and worked with him to work with the poor

establishing the Daughters of Charity who became the first community of non-

cloistered sisters working and living amongst those whom they ministered to.

MEDITATION OF THE DAY : In today’s Gospel, we see how the Jews and the Pharisees could not accept Jesus neither could they comprehend what He was revealing to them. Their sinfulness blinded them of the true identity of Jesus. The thought of Jesus being the Son of God, the Messiah was beyond their human and hardened hearts. They remained to be in limbo as they continued to wait for the Lord’s coming.

You have to pity those who opposed Jesus, they seem one step behind and never quite grasping what is really taking place in the course of human history. Do you know people like that in your slice of the world when it comes to the question f faith? Are they blinded to the truth despite His teachings, miracles and healings. People of the age of Christ as well as people today, still come to faith. What holds them back. Perhaps it is simply a matter of pride because that can totally block our understanding, appreciation and belief of the truth.


PRAYER OF THE DAY: O Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry come to you. Hide not your face from me in the day of my distress. Incline your ear to me, in the day when I call, answer me speedily. Perfect my faith and draw me closer to You. In the Name of Jesus, I pray.  Amen.


LENTEN DISCIPLINE – Look for opportunities to lend or give away things that could bless someone else or to go out of my way to help in random or not so random ways. While giving something up reminds us to be thankful for all that we have, taking a vow of generosity, creates an openness within us so that God can use us to bless others in diverse and incredible ways. Not unlike what Louise De Marillac found
in the back alleys of France.


ANCIENT WORDS/PRESENT GRACE: “ we you work with one another to grow in perfection in keeping with the divine plan. All the actions of our lives can serve this purpose even those which might appear destined to withdraw you from that intimate union with God which you so ardently desire. Very often this union is established in us through no action of our own in a manner known only to God and not as we would wish to imagine it.– St. Louise De Marillac

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