Police record anti-Christian crime as ‘Islamophobia’

Apr 3, 2017 by

by Tim Dieppe, Christian Concern:

As many as 25% of ‘Islamophobic hate crimes’ recorded by the Metropolitan Police are crimes committed against non-Muslims or people of unknown faith.

This is the conclusion from Freedom of Information inquiries made by Hardeep Singh of the Network of Sikh Organisations, which has been reported in the Spectator this week (4th Paragraph of the article).

The Met recorded 1,227 incidents of Islamophobic hate crime last year. Charles Moore writes:

“The breakdown shows that in 57 of these incidents the victim was not contacted, in 86 the religion of the victim was unknown, and 85 of the reported cases were ‘blank’. Odder still, 19 Hindus, 11 atheists, 39 Christians and four Sikhs were victims, as were two Greek Orthodox and two Roman Catholics (note to Met: both those groups are Christian). Even more remarkable, two of the victims of ‘Islamophobic’ hate crimes were Jews. Of the 1,227, only 912 victims of a crime which is exclusively classified as anti-Muslim were Muslim. What to make of this? That morons wanting to upset Muslims cannot even identify their victims accurately? I bet that is quite often the case, though anecdote suggests that anti-Christian attacks — which are not recorded as such — are rising. But it comes back to the thorny question of what counts as a hate crime. As with child abuse claims, this is solemnly recorded as being a crime just because the victim, or anyone else, reports it as such to the police. No corroboration is required. The question then arises, ‘Do these figures have any value at all?'”

The case for the police having an official category to record the rising examples of Anti-Christian hate crime is growing. Lacking such a category, it seems they just blindly record anti-Christian hate crime as Islamophobia. I hope this exposure causes the Police to tighten up their recording procedures and to introduce a new category of anti-Christian hate crime.

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