Royal College of Midwives Campaigns for Abortion Up to Birth

May 15, 2016 by

PETITION from CitizenGo, and more articles.

On 9 February 2016, the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) announced their support for a campaign run by abortion provider the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) calling for the legalisation of abortion up-to-birth for any reason. On 6 May 2016, the Royal College issued a position statement that explicitly supported the aims of this campaign, the limitation of conscience rights for midwives, and the extension of the Abortion Act 1967 to Northern Ireland.

Abortion up to birth for any reason: In what is a kind of tragic irony, the RCM – representatives of that profession which exists for the purpose of assisting women in child birth – is now backing the extremist position of campaigning for the legalisation of abortion up until birth for any reason whatsoever. This would include sex-selective abortion and abortion of babies with disabilities up until the moment they are born.

Only China (that beacon of human rights and dignity), North Korea (another beacon of human rights and dignity), Vietnam and Canada have such permissive abortions laws. The Canadian Medical Association Journal had this to say about the situation in Canada: “Easy access to abortion and advances in prenatal sex determination have combined to make Canada a haven for parents who would terminate female fetuses in favour of having sons.”

Needless to say these countries and their abhorrent practices are hardly the kind of thing which the UK should wish to copy!

Read and sign petition here

See also:

Midwives revolt over abortion, by Sam Greenhill, MailOnline

BBC Woman’s Hour holds biased discussion that platforms abortion – Petition

Abortion study: 25% of pregnancies terminated, estimates suggest, by Smitha Mundasad, BBC website


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