Single sex schools ‘failing in their legal duties to accommodate transgender pupils’

Apr 10, 2017 by

by Miles Dilworth, Independent:

Single-sex schools are failing in their legal duties to accommodate transgender pupils, according to leading charities that specialise in supporting transgender children.

Susie Green, CEO of Mermaids UK, told The Independent a growing number of same-sex schools are refusing to admit transgender pupils, despite this being discriminatory under the Equality Act 2010.

Campaigners are now calling for greater education on trans issues both as part of teacher training and the national curriculum.

“Some schools are discriminating against a cohort of society that has already received a great deal of prejudice,” said Ms Green.

“Parents are telling us that schools are refusing to allow their pupils to come into schools or access facilities.

“Recently we worked with a girl who had transitioned from male to female and had wanted to get into an all girls’ school, but was refused admission because they said she was biologically male,” she added.

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