The Thought Police of the New Revolution

Apr 5, 2018 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea:

What are the police for? It’s not a trick question….indeed it is a vital question for the whole of our society. One key function of government is law and order – preserving the peace – stopping and punishing crime and protecting the public. We need law courts, lawmakers and law enforcers. I had always assumed that the latter was the function of the police.  However there appears to have been a gradual change.

Notice the following tweet that went out from the Sussex police this week…

“Today staff and officers across Sussex Police will be observing Trans Day of Visibility. We are flying the trans flag as an overt sign of support to the Trans community”

What’s wrong with this?

DZm8-8YXkAATGyILets start with the obvious….why are they doing it? Is this is a pressing police issue caused by the large Trans community in Sussex?   Is it because the police are concerned about crimes committed against or by Trans people? Are Sussex police noted for their commitment to minority and persecuted communities? Given that tens of thousands of Christians are killed, imprisoned and tortured each year throughout the world – will the Sussex police be observing a Christian Day of Visibility and flying the cross above all their stations and wearing fish badges on their uniforms?   It will be a cold day in Sydney before that happens…

There are two main reasons that the Sussex police are doing this. One somewhat benign and the other somewhat sinister.

Read here

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