Welby: “I really, genuinely do not understand” Christian support for Trump

Nov 28, 2017 by

by Archbishop Cranmer:

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby was interviewed by Robert Peston on Sunday. He spoke about the British economic model, economic justice, investment, skills, apprenticeships, automation, robotics, AI, equality for all, food-banks, housing, Brexit, Northern Ireland, trade, unionist identity, the Good Friday Agreement, public enemies, and media headlines which stir up hate and division.

Before you kick him, he also spoke about Jesus’s command to care for and love the poor, the judgment of the Old Testament prophets, the need to build communities by loving one another, and the imperative of reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ.

So far, so good.

Then Peston mused about the “amazing support” which Donald Trump has from Christians in America. “Do you understand why fundamentalist Christians in America are so supportive of Donald Trump?” he asked the beaming Archbishop.

Rabbit…. headlights…

“There’s two things going through my mind,” Welby cogitated. “Do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say? And I’m going to say what I think.”

Marvellous, thought the ‘Peston on Sunday’ producers, as they contemplated the imminent Twitter storm and media furore.

Marvellous, thought Christians everywhere: the transparency, integrity, honesty of the man. What a breath of fresh air.

And then it comes: “No, I don’t understand it. I really, genuinely, do not understand where that is coming from,” said the Archbishop, speaking exactly as he thought.

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