When men stop believing in God, they believe anything

Jul 23, 2017 by

by Jules Gomes, The Conservative Woman:

‘Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.’ Rousseau’s celebrated slogan heralding the French Revolution has mutated into a new slogan heralding the final frontier of the Sexual Revolution. Babies are born genderless, but everywhere they are enslaved by the binaries of male or female genders.

It is Canada, not France, where the world’s first “genderless” baby has been born. Searyl Atli (is that a genderless name?) is ‘born free, as free as the wind blows, born free to follow their heart.’ More likely, Searyl Atli is born enslaved to follow the translunatic fantasies of a transgender parent.

Searyl Atli, an eight-month baby, has been issued with a health card that does not specify the child’s sex. The public authority of British Columbia has done this at the insistence of “parent” Kori Doty, a non-binary transgender activist who identifies as neither male nor female. Kori Doty is campaigning to omit the baby’s sex from all other official records including the birth certificate. Doty (or should it be Dotty?) conveniently ignores the scientific reality that only women can be mothers and therefore she is a woman.

The health card issued to Baby Atli is marked with a “U” in the space where a child’s sex is normally specified. “U” does not stand for Unicorn or Unidentified Flying Genitalia. “U” stands for unspecified or undetermined. Unspecified, I can understand. Undetermined, I cannot fathom.

Going by the rules of common sense and human sexuality, a quick look for the right bits (or lack of them) in the right place, is enough to determine whether “U” is “M” or “F.” Not in Canada, though, where sentimentality trumps logic, caprice conquers common sense, mysticism overpowers clarity, and insanity bludgeons truth to pulp fiction.

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