Why the transgender issue is not a single issue

Nov 18, 2017 by

by Carys Moseley, Christian Concern:

The transgender issue is not a single issue in today’s society that can be conveniently ignored or avoided simply because only a small number of individuals claim to be transgender. It is one of the major defining issues of our time.

Mind or soul and body

This is because in the beginning God created humans in His image and male and female, and this for the purpose of having children. As such ‘male’ and ‘female’ here clearly refer to biological sex and not any belief about ‘gender identity’. The Bible refers many times to human beings having a soul or spirit or mind, sometimes using the metaphor of the ‘breath of God’for this. This makes it clear that the soul or spirit or mind is not bodily, and as such cannot be male or female. The transgender movement opposes these truths about human nature. It claims that people can be ‘born in the wrong body’ or have a ‘mismatch’ with the mind of one sex and the body of another, a belief for which there is no scientific evidence. It is worth noting that the 2016 ILGA survey foundthat less than one third of British people believe that transgender people are born with this condition. Most people either believe that people become transgender, choose to be so or do not know what to think.

Gender dysphoriais the current diagnostic term used in medicine for this condition whereby a person of one biological sex ‘identifies with’ or wishes to live as a member of the opposite sex, believing themselves to belong psychologically to the opposite sex. This condition is psychological and is found in people who have no known biological abnormality in relation to their sex which could have given rise to it. It is distinct from any Disorder of Sexual Development, some of which are commonly known as ‘intersex’ conditions. These are biological conditions whereby individuals have a mix of male and female characteristics, detectable at birth or in adolescence. Following the International Classification of Diseases laid down by the World Health Organisation, data concerning the diagnosis and treatment for gender dysphoria is recorded separately from data about Disorders of Sexual Development.

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