Yes Homosexual Marriage Impacts Every Single One of Us

Oct 2, 2016 by

by Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch:

Everything changes when homosexual marriage is legalised. I have documented this basic truth countless times in my books and in numerous articles. Everyone is impacted and society is changed forever when we give legal recognition to this social fiction.

When we allow the revolutionary assault on marriage by denying its most basic claim – marriage is composed of two different genders: male and female – we open a can of worms that cannot be closed. A genderless marriage means genderless families, a genderless society, and a state crackdown on all who might disagree.

I have been quoting the activists concerning all this for decades now. They have spilled the beans and told us exactly what they intend. Consider just three such quotes. Lesbian activist Masha Gessen said to a Sydney audience in May 2012:

It’s a no-brainer that we should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist [cheers from the audience]. That causes my brain some trouble. And part of why it causes me trouble is because fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there—because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie. The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change. And again, I don’t think it should exist. And I don’t like taking part in creating fictions about my life. That’s sort of not what I had in mind when I came out thirty years ago. I have three kids who have five parents, more or less, and I don’t see why they shouldn’t have five parents legally.

Another radical lesbian, Paula Ettelbrick, put it this way: “Being queer is more than setting up house, sleeping with a person of the same gender, and seeking state approval for doing so … Being queer means pushing the parameters of sex, sexuality, and family, and in the process, transforming the very fabric of society.”

And American homosexual activist Michelangelo Signorile makes similar remarks. He urges activists to:

fight for same-sex marriage and its benefits and then, once granted, redefine the institution of marriage completely, to demand the right to marry not as a way of adhering to society’s moral codes but rather to debunk a myth and radically alter an archaic institution that as it now stands keeps us down. The most subversive action lesbians and gay men can undertake – and one that would perhaps benefit society – is to transform the notion of “family” entirely.

There are plenty more such quotes I can offer here. Why don’t we simply believe the activists when they tell us their intentions? They are clearly about destroying marriage, family and society. They are fully open about this. When will we stop pretending they have not told us their plans?

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