Meditations: Tuesday in Holy Week

Apr 11, 2017 by


April 11

am: 6 pm: 94 Jer 15:10-21 Phil 3:15-21 John 12:20-26




LITURGICAL THEME FOR THE DAY: On this day, the Lord teaches us about the Kingdom of Heaven, and the end of the World. The Lord talked with the disciples about faith and about the example made by the fig tree. The Pharisees sought to fight with Him in the temple, but the Lord used this time to speak to them with parables, such as the parables of the talents, in which He spoke to them about the Day of Judgment.


MEDITATION OF THE DAY: In the letter from St. Paul to the people at Philippi, Paul continues to highlight the reality that Gods presence in our lives means to be in a spirit of communion with Him, so as to receive His grace so we may be guided by the Spirit of Truth and not by the spirit of the world. Humility brings spiritual dimension in our lives and restores everything in its proper place.  Despite what the culture promotes as the key to human identity and purpose, we are reminded again that humility is the one of the paths to fulfillment of our spiritual potential that is all too often lost to pride and arrogance! Think about this a person of pride and arrogance tends to push out of his life anything or anyone that competes with him and his achievements. Very quickly, many are alienated and such a person finds himself isolated in self-righteousness. At this point despite the talent for self justification this person is as far from God as the North Pole is from the South Pole.  As we approach the great Triduum, how can we not take time to ponder the kenotic love that offered the greatest act of humility that the world has ever seen and apprehend for ourselves through the call to repentance the church offers to us on Spy Wednesday.


PRAYER OF THE DAY:  Almighty ever-living God, grant us so to celebrate the mysteries of the Lord’s Passion that we may merit to receive your pardon. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen


ANCIENT WISDOM/PRESENT GRACE:  “The Cross of Christ. It has power to wake the dullest conscience and melt the hardest heart, to cleanse the unclean, to reconcile him who is afar off and restore him to fellowship with God, to redeem the prisoner from his bondage and lift the pauper from the dunghill, to break down the barriers which divide [people] from one another, to transform our wayward characters into the image of Christ and finally make us fit to stand in white robes before the throne of God.” –Dr. John Stott.


HOLY WEEK DISCIPLINE – Where has humility been lacking in your life? Where has Pride won the day? Can you make a list as to what the cost has been? To assist you for Spy Wednesday Penance, undertake an examination of conscience to help you  make ready for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Read Chapter VII of The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis (go to ) to assist you in this process.



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