Open letter to UK Govt re forced conversion of Christian girls in Pakistan

Jun 26, 2024 by

Open Letter to Foreign Affairs Committee Chair

Laiba Suhail was 10 years’ old when she was abducted and forced to convert from Christianity to Islam. She was taken from her home in Ikhlaq Town, Punjab Province, and feared she could be sold to sex traffickers.

The man who orchestrated her abduction is known, but Laiba’s father says officials have refused to prosecute him. Laiba’s case is not an exception. She is one of many Christian girls in Pakistan who have suffered unspeakable acts because of their faith.

The UK Government has an obligation to act; to work with their Pakistani counterparts to protect girls like Laiba and ensure no one is harmed, oppressed or persecuted simply for being a Christian.

That’s why ACN recently called on Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee to launch an official inquiry into the UK’s relationship with Pakistan, in light of the severe human rights abuses which the country’s Christians face.

The Prime Minister has called the General Election for 4th July. When the next Government comes in, a new Foreign Affairs Committee will be elected.

We need your help to get the members of that Committee to take up our call and persuade the Government to take action against the systemic discrimination of countless Christians throughout Pakistan.

We encourage you to sign our open letter to the next Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Together, we can make a difference to the suffering Church in Pakistan.

Sign the Open Letter here

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