29 new words for deviance you can be fined $250,000 for not using in New York City

May 28, 2016 by

By Steve Weatherbe,  LifeSite:

The New York City Human Rights Commission has released a list of 31 different terms of gender expression employers must use or face $250,000 fines, all but two of them naming various forms of deviancy.

Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, was quick to link the list to President Barack Obama’s recent edict to public school systems requiring them to de-gender their washrooms and change rooms. “This is political correctness run wild. Where does the President’s bathroom edict go? This is it,” Perkins told LifeSiteNews.

New York City’s Human Rights Commission first announced it was including gender variations under its anti-discriminatory protection in December and earlier this month detailed the offenses for which employers or customers could draw fines up to $250,000.

The rollout continues with the release of a list of names for 31 different genders one must draw from for an employee if that person so desires. The fines go as high as $125,000 for misnaming a person’s gender intentionally, and $250,000 for doing so “maliciously.”

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