Tell Human Rights Committee Divorce Bill erodes basic human rights

May 3, 2020 by

from Christian Concern:

Carys Moseley breaks down how to respond the Joint Human Rights Committee’s inquiry into the Divorce Bill.

The Joint Human Rights Committee of the House of Commons is holding a Legislative Scrutiny Inquiry into the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill, which is the government bill aimed at introducing no-fault divorce in England and Wales. The Committee is gathering evidence about the human rights implications of the bill.

The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill erodes human rights

We have followed the progress of the bill and are concerned that in introducing ‘no-fault’ divorce it erodes basic human rights. It undermines the rights of faithful parties in a marriage, spouses who are vulnerable due to long-term illness or disability or other challenges, and children who would otherwise be more likely to be brought up by both parents. We also believe that the process of drawing up the bill inside the government was one-sided, as only research supporting no-fault divorce is cited, suggesting that civil servants who objected might not have had the freedom to make the case against it.

Below is our guide to submitting evidence to the Joint Committee on Human Rights legislative scrutiny inquiry on the ‘no-fault divorce’ bill.

The deadline for submission is Wednesday 6 May.

Follow the link to the Committee website and follow the instructions therein.

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