Why do the police have favourites?

May 12, 2021 by

from Christian Concern:

In a guest post, Harry Miller (Fair Cop) compares how different groups are treated by police when they critique or offend other religions and beliefs.

[…]  Last month, in my role as Police and Crimes Advisor for Laurence Fox’s mayoral candidacy, I was invited to meet the Deputy Commissioner of The Metropolitan Police. I brought up the subject of the police having favourites.

Why is it, we asked, that the police will stand idly by whilst climate change activists take hammers to the windows of the HSBC yet will send in the troops elsewhere? The Deputy Commissioner’s answer was that perceived difference of approach is merely the result of operational necessity. This simply does not wash when decision making always seems to favour those at the top of an ideological tower. It is clear that the police have their favourites.

Of course, this makes it a great time to be a hammer wielding warrior in the cult of Mother Earth but not so great if your message is ‘Jesus Saves’. Toward the upper end of the hierarchy, you get to commandeer the entirety of Trafalgar Square and hang apocalyptic messages from Nelson’s Column; toward the lower end, you get thrown in jail for standing on a pop-up stool and reading from The Book of Genesis. Satirising Muslims lands you with a police investigation. Satirising Mormons gets a belly laugh. Beneath the Tower of Babel, the sin of Mormonophobia does not exist.

Transphobia, on the other hand, most definitely does exist. The political ideology, predicated on a gendered essence at odds with its various body parts, sits at the pinnacle of the icon to holy secularism, sharing the sunlight with Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Lockdown Fundamentalism and Extinction Rebellion. Detractors, sceptics, and satirists are threatened with having their names added to a Hate List. The List exists. We are currently seeking to have it declared illegal by The Court of Appeal.

At the foot of the Tower, down in the dust amongst the gender theory critics, the pro-lifers, and supporters of Laurence Fox, are the street preachers who labour under the illusion that they, too, are protected by The Equality Act and Article 10 of the ECHR. Again, good luck with that. Rights afforded at law are summarily swept aside when the preacher fails to mention that God made Furries, Enbies, Adrogynes and Pans, in addition to Man and Woman. The Preacher is a hater. The Bible, his manual of hate.

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