General Synod July 2024

Jun 30, 2024 by

CofE general synod agenda from Religion Media Centre

In the run-up to Synod …

Should we seek compromise with a departure from the catholic consensus? by Joshua Penduck, Psephizo

Responding to the Bishop of Oxford by Lee Gatiss, Church Society

Together responds to LLF, from Thinking Anglicans

The relative safety of a ‘Society’ from Anglican Futures

Unity and Truth – An ecclesiological approach to the Church of England’s debate about human sexuality. Part 1 , Part II , Part III  and Part IV by Martin Davie

EFAC Global calls for prayer for General Synod

Bishop of Oxford names the Alliance proposal – “disproportionate schism”.

Hypocritical and ‘catastrophising’: Bishop of Oxford calls out Alliance over LLF threat, Church Times

General Synod: what will they debate in York next month? by Tim Wyatt, Church Times

Thou shalt not criticise – bishops plan speech code to silence rebels by Julian Mann, TCW

Orthodox Anglicans set out their positions on Church of England’s same-sex blessing plans by Susie Leafe, Christian Today

Can the Church of England afford same-sex blessings? by Julian Mann, Christian Today

February 2024 General Synod posts below.

Video: Watch General Synod live

Newer postings at the top:
Is there a glimmer of hope? from Anglican Futures
Synod’s same-sex discussions are still stuck by Jago Wynne, Premier Christianity
What happened at General Synod? from Anglican Futures

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