A Storm is Brewing

Nov 9, 2023 by

By Frank Haviland, European Conservative.

We have a fifth column in our midst. Now we see the true face of the enemy: radical Islam.

The British are among the most mild-mannered people in the world. We apologise to the waiter when the food is not up to snuff; we say sorry when others mumble and we cannot understand what they’ve said; we even offer a mea culpa to those who career into us along the pavement, as though it were somehow our fault for getting in the way in the first place. But there is a line, for anyone foolish enough to seek it.

That line is about to be crossed, as the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month approaches. This year’s Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday are regrettably destined to coincide with the largest ever pro-Palestinian march through London. What were the odds? Yes, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has declared its intention via social media to rally one million people marching for Palestine on Armistice Day; an event likely to cause conflict with the two minutes’ silence scheduled at 11am, and more specifically with those wishing to pay their respects to the fallen:

A perfect storm for civil war is now about to descend upon the streets of Britain, as many of us have been warning for decades. We have a government, conservative in name only, which has lied to the British people for the past 13 years—not purely on immigration, but on a variety of issues for which it was given a hearty 80-seat majority to solve once and for all back in 2019. Our electoral alternative is an opposition party which finds itself romantically entangled with Britain’s enemies, whether through shared aims or merely voting surety.

We have a corrupt police force, which has outed itself unashamedly as an opponent of the British people. His Majesty’s constabulary now routinely either ignore or fist-bump the screechers of “jihad” in broad daylight, but won’t hesitate to intercede when Brits dare brandish the cross of Saint George, or post videos online objecting to the desecration of their cities. Officers devote their time to removing the posters of kidnapped Jewish children, so as not offend the terrorist supporters, and when challenged about their partisan behaviour freely admit: ‘“There’s way more of them than there are of us.”

Read here.


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