American street preacher arrested in England for preaching during LGBT pride event

Jun 27, 2023 by

by Ryan Foley, Christian Post:

Police not releasing his Bible, Gospel tracts after release with no charges pending.

A street preacher who was arrested for preaching in Canterbury, England, while an LGBT pride event was being held is calling on Christians “not to back down and bow before” the LGBT movement.

In an interview with The Christian Post, Ryan Schiavo, an American-born street preacher who typically spends about half the year in the United Kingdom, discussed his June 10 arrest.

Schiavo told CP that he and a friend “went to Canterbury just to evangelize” as they often do, insisting that he was unaware that an LGBT pride event was taking place: “It was not until we arrived and … were headed into the city that we realized that there was an actual pride event going on and it was quite oppressive. I mean, there were rainbow flags, rainbow signage, a lot of people dressed in rainbow [colors] and rainbows painted on faces.”

“There was a band performing somewhere with what appeared to be LGBT singers, and musicians and it was very much in your face,” he added. As Schiavo shared Romans 1:18-32, which he summarized as discussing “God judging society because of wickedness” and “sexual immorality and homosexual behavior,” a crowd started to form around him. According to Schiavo, “There were two hecklers in particular that were making it really difficult for me, one was a guy and one was a girl.”

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