America’s racial politics has no place in British schools

Aug 5, 2023 by

by Rakib Ehsan, spiked:

UK primary schools are indoctrinating kids into critical race theory.

America’s toxic racial politics is now finding its way into the British school system – including our primary schools.

According to a report in The Times this week, thousands of British schools have been given guidance and training tools on how to teach children to be ‘anti-racist’. Materials produced by the Key, which works with more than 13,000 UK schools, encourage teachers to think that children are ‘never too young’ to talk about race.

Many of the ideas in the Key’s resources are grounded in critical race theory. This is the theory that racism is deeply entrenched and institutionalised in Western society. For instance, the materials claim that all white children have ‘white privilege’, regardless of their class background. One of its infographics claims that white kids, including those as young as five, are ‘strongly biased’ to prefer their fellow white kids to children of other races. In contrast, other racial groups, such as black and ‘Latinx’ kids, display no racial preferences, it claims.

The word ‘Latinx’ gives the game away here. This gender-neutral form of Latino / Latina has been widely adopted in radical identitarian circles in the US. This is despite the fact that only two per cent of actual Latinos identify themselves as Latinx. In any case, unlike the US, the UK does not have a substantial Latino or Hispanic population. It is absurd to use such language in resources aimed at British pupils.

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