An Interview with Archbishop Greg Venables after the January Jordan Primates Meeting

Jan 24, 2020 by

by David W. Virtue, DD, Virtueonline:

Some GAFCON Primates chose not to go the Primates Meeting a few days ago in Amman, Jordan. Why did you decide to go?

As on previous occasions, I felt a deep conviction that the Lord wanted me to be there. I pretty much have one priority and one message wherever I go and that is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because of theological confusion from some Anglican Provinces pursuing another direction other than the Gospel, I followed the leading I sensed from the Lord to attend and went with the express commitment to speak the Gospel into the meeting.

How did you do that?

Simply by taking the opportunity to speak clearly whenever it arose and many others did the same. Everyone in the meeting was allowed complete freedom and most responded. The difference with previous meetings was not just this freedom but the attitudes displayed and the generous spirit which all shared. It was outstanding and all of this led to greater clarity and depth in the dialogue.

What did you sense was the tone of the conversation about the Gospel and Biblical faith?

There was no need to guess. The vast majority of the Primates in attendance were in agreement that we should preach Biblical, saving faith and not embrace innovations that go against the Bible such as same-sex marriage or the blessing of same-sex unions. Those are not the only problematic teachings, but they are often the presenting issue from those who do not conform to Biblical authority and the historic teaching of the Church.

As the meeting proceeded, more and more Primates made it clear that they would not go the way of the innovations, that they believed the “faith once for all delivered.” I was particularly encouraged that almost all the new Primates (and there were 12 who were new) were very clear that they are orthodox.

If there were Primates talking about Biblical authority and orthodoxy, was there any indication from the liberal Provinces that they might back down from pursuing the innovations like blessing same sex unions?

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