Are there ‘ex-gays’? Milo Yiannopoulos says ‘Yes’ and he should know

Mar 12, 2021 by

by James Parker, MercatorNet:

The flamboyant gay activist speaks out in favour of ‘conversion therapy’.

The flamboyant gay activist Milo Yiannopoulos made headlines this week. The conservative British polemicist and writer says that he is now an “ex-gay”.

The news was overshadowed by the hullabaloo over a couple of other Brits who were interviewed by Oprah Winfrey.

Yiannopoulos is not as well known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, but he has a message which is more important than their woes. He is speaking out about his lived experience as a gay man at a time when Australia and most Western nations are outlawing not only therapeutic assistance but even the slightest suggestion that a person’s sexual attraction could change.

And the most unlikely witness to this is Yiannopoulos.

The Victorian Change and Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act 2021 “denounce[s] and give[s] statutory recognition to the serious harm caused by change or suppressionpractices”.

Parliament believes that “conversion therapy” is “deceptive and harmful both to the person subject to the change or suppression practices and to the community as a whole”.

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