Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s new diversity rules lock out Christians

Feb 18, 2021 by

by George Conger, Anglican Ink:

TV production companies must now meet minimum diversity requirements, ensuring the inclusion of “under-represented people and perspectives”, in order for their programs to be commissioned by the ABC.

Michael Carrington, ABC’s director of entertainment and specialist programming is reported as saying that externally produced series must be either about under-represented communities or experiences, or include at least one main cast member who is Indigenous Australian or from a culturally or linguistically diverse background, someone who lives with a disability or someone who identifies as LGBTQI plus.

Even more harsh is that production companies must also “demonstrate representation” of these communities among key staff such as writers, producers and directors; and at least half of the main cast and crew must be women or people who identify as “gender diverse”.

“But where are the provisions for those who identify as Christians,” asked Greg Bondar, spokesman for national advocacy organisation FamilyVoice Australia.

“The new self-righteous and ‘un-inclusive’ rules by the ABC have failed the majority of Australia’s mums and dads and are merely adopted to appease minorities once again.

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