BBC encourages staff to say if they want to be called he, she or they in their email signatures in a drive to be more inclusive

Jul 11, 2020 by

By Bhvishya Patel, Mailonline:

The BBC is encouraging its employees to include their gender pronouns in their email signatures in a drive to create a more ‘inclusive workplace’.  

The broadcaster, who announced their new guidance on their official intranet, hope the move, will allow transgender and non-binary colleagues feel more welcome at the organisation.

According to the proposal, it is hoped that including pronouns in messages will be a ‘small, proactive step that we can all take to help create a more inclusive workplace’.

The move is also aimed at ensuring that members of staff who are trans or non-binary and often have to introduce themselves with their chosen pronoun, such as he/him, she/her and they, do not feel marginalised in the workplace.

Recent BBC data suggests that more than 400 members of staff at the corporation currently identify as transgender, according to The Times.

However following the new proposal, now all 22,000 staff at the organisation will be encouraged to update their email signatures to include their pronouns.

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