Be careful what you wish for: after Christianity come wokery and witchcraft

Oct 27, 2021 by

by Ann Farmer, MercatorNet:

Radio host James Whale needs to think again about his desire to sweep Britain clean of traditional religion.

Acerbic British radio and podcast host James Whale is battling kidney cancer which appears to make him crankier than usual. In a recent column in The Express he ranted about religion.

“Islamist terrorism has raised its ugly head again, which prompts one big question in my mind,” he writes. “What is it about religion that drives people nuts?”

These atrocities are caused by “this religious obsession with an afterlife – and the idea in some faiths that if you do horrendous things to non-believers you will be rewarded in that afterlife.”

He concludes: “It surely is time that religion was put back in its box. Anybody should be allowed to believe anything they want – that is perfectly acceptable. But as for those religions that expect to be treated differently from everyone else – forget it. Perhaps the time has come for this mostly secular country … to separate church from state and to start by dissolving religion’s connection with the Royal Family?”

Mr Whale is not one of Britain’s profounder intellects, but he reflects the prejudices of his listeners. So it’s worthwhile unpacking his ideas.

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