Biden’s promotion of LGBT agenda has made the US an anti-Christian force in the world

May 26, 2023 by

by Jonathon Van Maren, LifeSite:

The Biden administration is fighting for the rainbow flag abroad.

With LGBT culture now dominant in the West, Western countries are increasingly using their clout to advocate for the LGBT agenda in nations that have thus far rejected it. According to a report from C-Fam, for example, the Biden Administration is going further than any previous U.S. administration and pressing countries to adopt same-sex “marriage” as a matter of policy, most recently in Serbia. The Biden Administration’s global LGBT advocacy is well-documented, but calling on sovereign nations to change their laws – the U.S. also demanded that Japan and Korea “provide legal recognition of same-sex marriage” – is nothing short of revolutionary.  

Unsurprisingly, these countries are feeling the pressure. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, leader of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, has announced a bill to promote LGBT understanding to “showcase progress on the issue to his G-7 peers, with the country under mounting pressure.” According to Kyodo News:A survey by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development shows Japan ranked 34th out of 35 countries in terms of LGBT inclusion legislation in 2019, down from 22nd in 1999. In a recent video compilation of messages, 15 diplomatic missions in Japan, including those of the United States, Europe and Australia, called on the Japanese government to take concrete action toward protecting LGBT rights ahead of the G-7 summit.”

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