Blame the Conservatives for letting gender ideology flourish

Jul 5, 2024 by

by Joan Smith, UnHerd:

As we watch with trepidation to see how far the new Labour government will pursue its manifesto commitments to gender ideology, it’s easy to forget how fully the Conservative Party succumbed to trans activism. Looking back, the high point of absurdity was reached in 2016 when the former Tory culture secretary, Maria Miller, had the nerve to turn on feminists.

At the time, Miller was chair of the Women and Equalities Committee, which had just published a report packed with proposals that now seem barking mad. They included introducing self-ID, allowing people to record their gender as “X” on passports, and permitting trans-identified males to access single-sex spaces. When Miller was challenged, she announced that she was a feminist and anyone who disagreed with her must be an impostor. “The only negative reaction that I’ve seen has been by individuals purporting to be feminists,” she shot back.

It took just over a quarter of a century, in other words, for the party of Margaret Thatcher to embrace a thoroughly misogynistic ideology and call it feminism. By then, of course, any number of institutions had been captured. Police forces, NHS trusts and government departments competed — and paid — for gold stars from Stonewall. Gender-neutral toilets, male sex offenders in women’s prisons, trans women on female hospital wards — all of these things happened under Conservative administrations, including one led by the Tories’ second female PM, Theresa May.

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