C of E abuse inquiry: Updated
This collection of articles, reflecting different points of view, is for information and intercession. As we watch the inquiry into sexual abuse in the Church of England unfold, human sinfulness is laid bare, not just in terms of abuse, manipulation, blame-shifting and potential cover-up among Christian leaders, but also in anti-Christian prejudice evident in some of those conducting the inquiry. Much prayer and humility is required, since the witness of the Church to the Gospel of Christ is being harmed. It would be good if examples of truthfulness, courage and justice could be revealed, as well as the failures.
Relevant web-page from Independent Inquiry: Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) here
Reports, most recent at the top
Martyn Percy’s Marxist methodology in smearing orthodox Anglicans, by Julian Mann, Anglican Mainstream
Easter people: celebrating liberation and new life, but living on unleavened bread, by Andrew Symes, Anglican Mainstream
Joint pastoral letter from the Archbishops of York and Canterbury
Justin Welby: I have learned to be ashamed of the Church of England, by Olivia Rudgard, Telegraph
Welby condemns the church’s deferential culture of clericalism and tribalism, by Archbishop Cranmer
Church of England ‘made conscious effort to treat survivors badly’, inquiry hears, by Harry Farley, Christian Today
Church of England would be shut down if it were a school, lawyer tells final IICSA hearing, from Church Times
A truly dreadful story: Guardian editorial
“I don’t recall hearing about Chichester’s problems” Lord Carey tells IICSA, by Hattie Williams, Church Times
Church on the Ropes… by Dr Jeremy Morris, ViaMedia
Ex-Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams says views on gay people led church not to tackle child abuse, by Benjamin Butterworth, Pink News
Transcript of yesterday’s IICSA hearing (Weds March 14) which heard evidence from the Bishop of Chichester, Martin Warner and former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Williams.
Child abuse inquiry: Diocese had ‘major issue’, BBC News
Transcript of evidence given by Bishop Wallace Benn
Bishop claims he was ‘scapegoated’ over child sex abuse allegations by Harry Farley, CT
Don’t blame me for safeguarding blunders, former Bishop of Lewes, Wallace Benn, tells IICSA hearing, by Hattie Williams, Church Times
Bishop admits ‘hunch’ about paedophile priest but says he was powerless to stop him by Harry Farley, CT
Bishop ‘filleted’ clergy files to remove evidence, abuse inquiry told by Harry Farley, Christian Today
IICSA considers whether views on women affected Chichester safeguarding, by Hattie Williams, Church Times (with many other reports on the enquiry)
The Church of England’s National Safeguarding Team is either untruthful or incompetent (or quite possibly both), by Archbishop Cranmer [A look at the case of Matthew Ineson, and resulting serious charges levelled at senior Bishops.]
Is the Church’s theology on trial at this enquiry? By Andrew Carey, CEN
Are conservative evangelicals more likely to protect child abusers? By Mark Woods, Christian Today [Woods claims that distorted theology of forgiveness and the desire to protect members of one’s own ‘tribe’ might lead evangelicals to cover up child abuse. But the same could be said about individuals of catholic and liberal persuasion – so this is an example of how the inquiry is being used to smear those whose theology those in authority don’t agree with. Let’s hope there is less of that as the inquiry progresses, and more establishment of facts so that where crimes have occurred, lessons can be learned and justice can be done – Ed.]
Christianity, not political correctness, is the best safeguard, by Julian Mann, Anglican Mainstream [It is not Christian teaching, but the failure to follow it, which has allowed abuse to occur within the church.]
An attack on Lord Carey is an attack on us all’, say Church of England figures, by Olivia Rudgard, Telegraph
Did the Church of England’s divisions over homosexuality contribute to child sex cover-up? By Harry Farley, Christian Today
Head of child sex abuse enquiry criticizes leak of information by Archbishop of Canterbury, from Herald Scotland