Canada Goes Tow to Tow with Truckers

Feb 19, 2022 by

by Tony Perkins, FRC:

They blasted their horns and sang “O Canada!” Some of the protestors linked arms as Ottawa police moved through the 300 semis and campers, arresting people along the way. Others locked themselves in their cars or defiantly rolled canisters of diesel down the blockade. But that was the extent of the “backlash.” When officers started cracking down on the Freedom Convoy Friday morning, there were no Molotov cocktails. The truckers didn’t torch government buildings or throw fireworks at mounted police. Ever since the demonstration started, they’ve been composed, peaceful. And the American Left can’t stand it.

South of the Canadian border, if it’s not on fire — it’s not a protest. That’s what Democrats and their anarchist friends have taught us since George Floyd’s death sparked a nationwide mob in 2020. After more than a year of looting, vandalizing, arson, and general domestic terror, what the Canadians have managed to accomplish is almost unrecognizable to the U.S. Left. To the rest of America, it’s a refreshing reminder of the kind of civil disobedience this nation used to embrace for change. It’s a peaceful protest, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told the Daily Signal, “clog things up, make them think about the [vaccine] mandates.”

In American cities, for months, there was no time to think about anything. People were too busy reaching for fire extinguishers, barricading their doors and boarding up their buildings like we were forced to do here in the nation’s capital. So it’s no wonder that the majority of people in this country applaud the truckers in Canada for showing the world how effective nonviolent disruptions can be.

Read here

Read also:  The truckers have changed Canada forever by Rupa Subramanya, spiked

Freezing the truckers’ money – dictator Trudeau’s great betrayal by Donald Forbes, TCW

Watch:  Why the truckers must win – spiked podcast

Trudeau’s totalitarian turn by Jane Stannus, Spectator: (£)

‘These are totalitarian methods, not the methods of a justly governed, civilised nation. What is particularly notable in government discourse over the last couple of weeks is that Covid has become an afterthought. Nobody in power appears genuinely concerned about anything other than maintaining control and saving face. Two-thirds of the Canadian population now support dropping all mandates.

It is starting to become clear that the mandates have nothing to do with Covid. The measures don’t work, and travel restrictions are pointless when Covid is already widespread within the country. But the government won’t let go. Over 80 per cent of Canadians are vaccinated. They want 100 per cent to get vaccinated. Why? So they can move the goalposts and demand another proof of compliance? The message is plain: participation in normal life is a privilege, not a default. Only those ‘in compliance’ get to participate.’


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