Canadian Lutherans to debate recognizing polyamory

Jun 25, 2023 by

by Sean Frankling, Anglican Journal:

The Anglican Church of Canada’s full communion partner, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada (ELCIC), will discuss at its convention this summer a set of recommendations on gender and sexuality including one asking that it discern a position on polyamory, the Anglican Journal has learned.

The recommendations come from the ELCIC task force on homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, formed after the Lutherans’ national meeting in 2019 commissioned groups to work on diversity, equity and inclusion for issues of gender and sexuality, racism and ableism. The task force presented its first version in a report at ELCIC’s 2022 National Convention, with an updated version on the table for discussion this summer.

Trina Gallop Blank, ELCIC director of communications, shared the list of recommendations with the Journal. It calls on the ELCIC to promote a healthy understanding of sexuality and consent; review church policies for “language and other systemic problems that might cause harm or inequity to 2SLGBTQIA+” people; increase its visibility as an affirming church by participating in local Pride parades; encourage ELCIC members to specify and acknowledge pronouns wherever they identify themselves or others; make a public apology and, possibly, pay reparations to 2SLGBTQIA+ people who have been harmed by the church; and train its staff on sexual orientation and gender identity, among other things. The list concludes with a statement that the church should create resources to “support listening, safe conversations, and discernment at all levels of the church around healthy, consensual relationships, including ethical non-monogamous relationships.”

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